Post Operative Care

After your Breast Surgery


Wound Management

After your operation, you will go home with a dressing over the wound on your breast and potentially one under your arm if you have surgery for your lymph nodes. The dressings are waterproof and should stay on until your first postoperative appointment when they will be removed by A/Prof Mak, Dr Graham or the specialist nurse.

Skin Care

You may shower the next day after your operation. Gently pat the dressing dry. Avoid swimming or soaking in a bath as this may cause the dressing to lift off. Avoid moisturiser around the dressing.

Supportive Bra

It is important to wear a well-fitting, supportive bra after your surgery. This helps with wound healing and to minimise swelling.


Wound Appearance

Some bruising on the breast around the wound is normal and will gradually disappear over the following weeks

Uncommonly, an infection may develop. If you notice increasing pain, swelling or redness around the incision, or you are feeling unwell with a fever, please contact A/Prof Mak, Dr Graham or your GP.


If you have been sent home with a drain/drains it will usually stay in until your follow up appointment. You will be educated on how to care for your drain in hospital before being discharged. It is important to record the fluid output from the drain. Ensure you record this at the same time each day and keep a daily record.

Scar Massage

A/Prof Mak or Dr Graham will indicate when you may start scar massage. This is generally two weeks after surgery if you have NOT had any wound complications. Massage helps to soften the scar tissue and reduce the appearance of the scar. You may use whatever kind of cream or oil you like. Massage the area for a few minutes twice a day.